

新经典文化的美国子公司群星出版社(Astra Publishing House)聘请儿童文学领域专家伦纳德•马库斯先生(Leonard S. Marcus)担任特约编辑,以开拓该社,尤其是该社旗下子品牌mineditionUS的绘本选题。群星的书以英语、中文、法语、西班牙语、德语等多个语种在世界各地出版,该社希望通过马库斯的加盟,扩大其在国际童书领域的影响力,并在美国市场展现自己的特色。群星出版社已和企鹅兰登书屋达成伙伴关系,由企鹅兰登发行mineditionUS的图书,以获得更广泛的市场认知。

Astra Publishing House, the new company backed by Beijing-based Thinkingdom Media Group, has hired childrens literature expert Leonard S. Marcus as editor-at-large to help develop Astras childrens list, particularly picture books published under its mineditionUS imprint. With this move, the company, which publishes books in English, Chinese, French, Spanish, and German, hopes to both expand its reach into the international childrens book market and build up its presence in the U.S. Further extending its reach, Astra has partnered with Penguin Random House to distribute mineditionUS titles.


Marcus, who assumed his new responsibilities in early July, is working remotely from Brooklyn, where he lives, for the global publisher. Besides the U.S., Astra Publishing House has personnel working from mainland China, Hong Kong, Switzerland, France, and Germany.

群星出版社首席运营官本•史兰克(Ben Schrank)表示:“作为著名的历史学家、作家、评论家、策展人和公共教育家,伦纳德•马库斯带来了他在国际童书领域无出其右的知识和经验,这与群星出版社独特的全球视野相得益彰,也将帮助我们实现为每个孩子创造世界级图书的承诺。”

In a release, Astra Publishing House COO Ben Schrank stated, “As a renowned historian, author, critic, exhibition curator, and public educator, Leonard Marcus brings an unparalleled range of international childrens book knowledge and experience, which will further enhance Astra Publishing Houses unique global perspective and commitment to creating world-class books for every child.”


mineditionUS的主编玛利亚•鲁索(Maria Russo)女士于今年5月加入群星,她向《出版人周刊》表示:“伦纳德是童书世界不折不扣的元老。他极其博学,又风趣,有冒险精神,总是准备着迎接新的挑战。我们在阅读中志趣相投,情感共通,对很多问题保持着同样的好奇。”

mineditionUS editorial director Maria Russo, who joined the company in May, told PW, “Leonard is practically an institution in the childrens book world. Hes incredibly erudite, but hes also funny, adventurous, and always up for a new challenge. We laugh, we share a sensibility, we ask the same kinds of questions.”

马库斯目前与鲁索和minedition的创始人迈克尔•诺伊格鲍尔(Michael Neugebauer)紧密合作,从世界各地采选、编辑绘本。马库斯表示他已经协助mineditionUS引进了两部绘本的版权,一部来自西班牙,另一部来自哥伦比亚。他说:“我是通过一位西语世界的好友了解到这两部作品的。”除此以外,他没有透露这两部作品的更多信息。
Marcus is working with Russo and minedition founder Michael Neugebauer, who is based in Hong Kong, to acquire and edit picture books from around the world, and said he has already facilitated mineditionUSs acquisition of two picture books. Marcus declined to provide more information, other than to note that one had been published originally in Spain and the other in Colombia. “I became aware of them through a good friend in the Spanish-language world,” he said.

Marcus has also been tasked with hosting public programs promoting picture books in the U.S., China, and elsewhere, spearheading special projects revolving around childrens books. He promises that an announcement will be made in “a month or so” about his first such venture under Astras auspices. “It involves writers for children around the world,” Marcus said.


While Marcus, who has written more than 30 books, curated numerous exhibitions on childrens literature, and spoken at the Bologna and Shanghai childrens book fairs, is well known in publishing circles, this is the first time he has actually worked in the industry. Its something that he had considered “for some time,” he told PW, explaining that due to his network of professional contacts around the world, he was “always hearing about” books published abroad that he thought would resonate stateside, and meeting international authors and illustrators whose work he considered appropriate for U.S. readers. After Russo, whom he has known for years, assumed the position of editorial director, the two discussed the possibilities for him with Astra, and “it just fell into place.”

“I really love the international focus of [Astras] list,” Marcus said, “Publishing is really the crossroads between commerce and culture. At Astra, were playing it out in a beautiful way. Theres the commerce side, but theres also the culture.”

Russo said she considers Marcuss expertise and contacts, both in the U.S. and abroad to be essential components in fulfilling mineditionUSs mission of publishing board and picture books by international authors and illustrators that will resonate with children in the U.S., as well as books by U.S. authors and artists that will appeal on a global level.

“We want to put more international books in the hands of American children to help them become global citizens,” she said. “We also want to bring American talent into the minedition model. We want to find authors and illustrators who we can publish well here and also have great potential for audiences abroad.”

mineditionUS Moves Forward

加入群星三个多月,鲁索的首要任务是找到推广minedition老书的最好方式,让这些早先可能并未受到美国市场关注的图书“更多地被美国孩子看到”。她举例说,日本设计师米津佑介(Yusuke Yonezu)已经创作了十几部纸板书,“他是个天才,他的书在全球卖出了数百万册,但在美国影响不大。”mineditionUS即将在10月出版米津佑介最新的纸板书作品《分享》(Sharing)。“他的视觉风格非常干净、明亮,”鲁索说,“他将分享(这个概念)演绎得十分精彩。”
On the job for little more than three months, Russos first order of business has been strategizing on how best to promote the books on mineditions backlist that may not have gained traction in the U.S. previously, with the goal of “[getting] more of these books into the hands of American children.” For instance, she said, Yusuke Yonezu, a Japanese graphic designer who has created about a dozen board books, “is a genius whose books have sold millions of copies around the world but havent caught on in the U.S.” mineditionUS is publishing Yonezus latest board book, Sharing, in October. “His visual style is so clean, so bright,” Russo said, “He makes [the concept of] sharing seem so amazing.”

鲁索还希望在美国市场推出意大利艺术家朱里安诺•费里(Giuliano Ferri)于2016年出版的《一块砖的力量》(Brick by Brick)及其纸板书新作《化装舞会》(Masquerade Party,预计10月上市)。她说:“我们希望每个学龄前的孩子都能拥有这本纸板书(《一块砖的力量》),它告诉我们应该共同搭建桥梁而非墙壁。费里的纸板书比其他常见的纸板书更胜一筹。”
Russo also hopes to promote Giuliano Ferris Brick by Brick, a 2016 release, along with the Italian artists newest board book, Masquerade Party (Oct.), explaining, “We want every preschooler to have this board book about working together to build bridges instead of walls. His board books are a cut above typical board books.”

mineditionUS在鲁索加入群星前已计划发布13本秋季新书。鲁索策划的第一本书《国王的金胡子》(The Kings Golden Beard),将于明年1月发行。这本书是由比利时艺术家克拉斯•菲尔普朗克(Klaas Verplancke)创作的,描绘了“一个自行其是、无视科学的专制暴君”。鲁索称其是“很棒的朗读素材”,“画面生动”并且“诙谐”。
There will be 13 frontlist releases on mineditionUSs fall list, which was scheduled before Russo came on board. In January, Russos first acquisition will be released: The Kings Golden Beard by Belgian artist Klaas Verplancke, about “a tyrannical ruler who is ego-driven and ignores science.” Russo describes it as a “good read-aloud” that is also “graphically exciting” and “visually witty.”

虽然纽约现代艺术博物馆在2016年出版了菲尔普朗克的非虚构绘本《玛格丽特的苹果》(Magritte's Apple),但鲁索将《国王的金胡子》视为菲尔普朗克在美国出版的“故事处女作”。这本由mineditionUS推出的图书,也会标示鲁索出品;其后mineditionUS的新书将均以mineditionUS/Maria Russo Books的名义推出。除了《国王的金胡子》,2021年的春季新书还包括绘本《小穿山甲》(Pangolina),这本书由迈克尔•诺伊格鲍尔策划,珍•古道尔(Jane Goodall)撰写故事,中国插画家马岱姝绘制插图。穿山甲濒临灭绝,最近曾被误传为新型冠状病毒的宿主。
While the Museum of Modern Art published Verplanckes nonfiction picture book, Magrittes Apple, in 2016, Russo regards The Kings Golden Beard as Verplanckes “American storytelling debut.” The book will also introduce Russos imprint within the mineditionUS imprint; it and subsequent mineditionUS books will be released as mineditionUS/Maria Russo Books. Besides The Kings Golden Beard, the spring 2021 list will include a picture book acquired by Neugebauer, Pangolina, written by Jane Goodall and illustrated by Chinese artist Daishu Ma, about pangolins, an endangered species of anteaters recently demonized as carriers of the new coronavirus.

The five books on the spring 2021 list, Russo said, “really represent a lot that I want to be doing” at mineditionUS. “Certain things across cultures call out for sensitive treatment” in childrens literature, particularly books on the environment and other issues of global concern. While not providing specifics, Russo disclosed that books “that resonate in the context of the pandemic” will be included on future lists. She and her colleagues, Neugebauer and Marcus, currently are working on acquisitions for the spring fall 2022, anticipating nine or 10 frontlist releases during each of those seasons.

Reflecting upon the present, as well as the future of mineditionUS, Russo noted that Astra already “has Europe and Asia well covered” in terms of publishing childrens books by authors and artists residing on those two continents. She hopes to move beyond Europe and Asia in acquiring and publishing books for the U.S. market—places like South America, Iran, and Africa.

“Were slowly building on our connections and looking for good projects,” she said. “Theres a strong tradition of childrens books in Iran. Many [Iranian creatives] work under difficult conditions. Were looking to add an Iranian author-illustrator on our list very soon.”